Chinachem Group - Our people
  • People at our heart

Most see change at Chinachem in the form of the striking buildings we've been creating recently. I see it in the remarkable talent we're now attracting.
Hung Han Wong, Executive Director & COO - Chinachem Group

Creating space for you to make an impact

We are a business with deeply held values and an intense desire to make a positive difference. And to do that we need people, the type of people who share our ambitions. Chinachem has itself been transforming, and the culture we’ve created reflects that. It’s entrepreneurial, it’s vibrant, we welcome challenge, and we encourage collaboration.

Our focus is on giving our people space to grow and flourish in a healthy environment where you’ll learn, influence decisions, and contribute to the positive impact we’re making. But we also understand that work cannot be seen in isolation, it is an integral part of life, just like family, the community, and the things you’re passionate about. So we welcome those as well, because these things matter to you, and we respect that.

A home for dreams

Having well defined goals is a powerful uniting force in a company of more than 3,000. But what we work every day to create, embraces the lives of so many more.

The communities and workplaces we build are homes to the lives, loves, ambitions, highs and lows of a myriad of individuals. Each one of those people is special. Each one has a story. Each one has a dream.

We’d like to introduce you to some of them.

Meet one of our residents

Meet some of our partners

Meet a member of our team


Leadership Team


Hung Han 'HH' Wong         

Executive Director and COO, Chinachem Group


Sleeves up and hands on, HH is happy to work on the frontline, taking on whatever challenge is sent his way.  A product of good mentorship... 


Ricky Tsang                       

Executive Director and CFO, Chinachem Group


Joined as Group Deputy CFO in March 2020, Ricky Tsang is a finance veteran who comes with over 30 years of experience gained from...

Corporate Development

Chinachem Group - Damien Wu - Director of Digital Transformation
Damien Wu                       

Managing Director, Corporate Development, Chinachem Group


Successfully tasked with leading Chinachem’s recent transformation, Damien Wu now heads the recently established Corporate Development Division, leading ...

Business Impact, Branding and Marketing

Sylvia Chung
Chief Business Impact Officer, Chinachem Group 

The Chinachem Group is entering its second 60 years with a sharp focus on ensuring the impression it makes is always a positive one, and Sylvia Chung’s leadership role in the ...

Hospitality and Entertainment

Simon Manning

Managing Director, Nina Hospitality

The growth and development of major hotel brands lies at heart of Simon Manning’s three decades experience in Asia and beyond.  Most recently, in his role as Chief Sales and Development Officer ...


Candy Hui

Managing Director, CCG Healthcare, Chinachem Group


Leading Chinachem’s foray into the realm of elderly focused living and ageing-in-place services is Candy Hui.  With the Group since 2019, Candy joined to head up the CEO’s office...

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